[Jul 29, 2023] Get Free Updates Up to 365 days On Developing GMAT Braindumps [Q35-Q54]

[Jul 29, 2023] Get Free Updates Up to 365 days On Developing GMAT Braindumps

Best Quality Admission Tests GMAT Exam Questions

The Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) is a standardized test that is designed to assess the abilities of individuals who aspire to pursue graduate-level management education. The GMAT is accepted by more than 7,000 business and management programs worldwide and is considered one of the most reliable measures of an individual’s ability to succeed in graduate-level management studies. GMAT exam is administered by the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC) and is available year-round at test centers around the world.


During the nineteenth century, the popularity of Charles Dickens’s fiction owed much to its being so easily adaptable into effective stage versions: so that, during anv given period many as 20 London theaters might be simultaneously in production of adaptations of Dickens’s latest story, and thus even nonreaders quickly became acquainted with simplified versions of his works.


If n is a positive integer greater than 1 and n integers are added together, is the sum even?
(1) n is even.
(2) Exactly n- 1 of the integers are odd.


Many state legislatures are considering proposals to the effect that certain policies should be determined not by the legislature itself but by public referenda in which every voter can take part. Critics of the proposals argue that the outcomes of public referenda would be biased, since wealthy special-interest groups are able to influence voters’ views by means of television advertisements.
Which of the following, if true, most strengthens the critics’ argument?


One analyst predicts that Hong Kong can retain its capitalist ways after it becomes part of mainland China in 1997 as long as a capitalist Hong Kong is useful to China; that a capitalist Hong Kong will be useful to China as long as Hong Kong is prosperous; and that Hong Kong will remain prosperous as long as it retains its capitalist ways.
If the predictions above are correct, which of the following further predictions can logically be derived from them?


A weapons-smuggling incident recently took place in country Y.
We all know that Y is a closed society. So Y’s government must have known about the weapons.
Which of the following is an assumption that would make the conclusion above logically correct?


In the aftermath of a worldwide stock-market crash, Country T claimed that the severity of the stock-market crash it experienced resulted from the accelerated process of denationalization many of its industries underwent shortly before the crash.
Which of the following, if it could be carried out, would be most useful in an evaluation of Country T’s assessment of the causes of the severity of its stock-market crash?


The upcoming presidential election in the West African republic of Ganelon is of grave concern to the U.S.
State Department. Ganelon presently has strong political and military ties to the United States. However, the Socialist party is widely expected to win the election, leading to fears that Ganelon will soon break away from the pro-American bloc and adopt a nonaligned or openly anti-American stance.
Which of the following is an assumption made in the passage above?


Elena has worked as a real estate agent for exactly 3 years-Years 1, 2, and 3. In Year 1, she sold exactly 16 properties. She sold more proper and more properties in Year 3 than in Year 2. The average (arithmetic mean) number of properties she sold per year for the 3 years was 19.
Select a number for Year 2 and a number for Year 5 that could be the total numbers of properties Elena sold in Year 2 and in Year 3, respectively, so that the selections are jointly consistent with the information provided.
Make only two selections, one in each column.

Juror anonymity was unknown to American common law and jurisprudence in the country’s first two centuries. Anonymity was first employed in federal prosecutions of organized crime in New York in the
1980’s. Although anonymous juries are unusual since they are typically only empanelled in organized- crime cases, its use has spread more recently to widely publicized cases, such as the federal prosecution of police officers accused of beating Rodney King and the trial of those accused of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.
In these cases, attorneys selected a jury from a panel of prospective jurors whose names, addresses, ethnic backgrounds and religious affiliations remained unknown to either side. This unorthodox procedure, designed to protect jurors from outside influence and the fear of retaliation, has occasionally been employed in New York federal courts since the trial of drug kingpin Leroy “Nicky” Barnes. Despite apparent benefits, critics assail anonymous juries on the grounds that they are an infringement of the sixth amendment guarantee of an impartial jury and because they present a serious and unnecessary erosion of the presumption of innocence.
Since many attorneys believe trials are frequently won or lost during jury selection, any procedure diminishing the role of counsel in the procedure necessitates close scrutiny and criticism. Opponents of anonymous juries argue that the procedure restricts meaningful voir dire, (questioning of the jury panel), and thereby undermines the defendant’s sixth amendment right to an impartial jury. Critics also claim that jurors interpret their anonymity as proof of the defendant’s criminal proclivity, thereby subverting the presumption of innocence.
However, consistent with due process and the sixth amendment, the trial judge may refuse to ask prospective jurors any questions not reasonably calculated to expose biases or prejudices relevant to the case. Although addresses and group affiliations may indicate significant potential for bias, attorneys do not have an unfettered right to this information in every circumstance. Denying access to these facts may indeed constrain an attorney’s ability to assemble an ideal jury, but it violates no constitutional right One function of the fourth paragraph of the passage is to


Sales promotions can involve selling a product at a relatively low price or selling the product with a free (or seemingly free) unit of the product, as in “buy one, get one free” campaigns. Research shows that immediately following month-long sales promotions, a postpromotion dip may occur, i.e., sales for the following calendar month may be less than sales for the calendar month preceding the sales promotion.
To increase sales, Storex, a department store, held month-long sales campaigns to promote four of its products. A sales promotion was considered successful if unit sales of the product were at least 10% higher in each of the 2 calendar months immediately following the promotion than In the month preceding it.
Experts have offered explanations for postpromotion dip:
* Explanation I: Many consumers stockpile the product at relatively low cost during the sales promotion.
* Explanation II: “Buy one, get one free” promotions cause some consumers to undervalue the product, making them less likely to buy it following the sales promotion.
* Explanation HI: Many consumers who missed a “buy one, get one free” opportunity may, as a result, develop so-called inaction inertia, i.e., become less likely to buy the product at either the regular or even at a discount price than if the sales promotion had not occurred.

For each of the following actions, select Yes if it is mentioned in at least two of the tabs. Otherwise, select No.

The proportion of manufacturing companies in Alameda that use microelectronics in their manufacturing processes increased from 6 percent in 1979 to 66 percent in 1990. Many labor leaders say that the introduction of microelectronics is the principal cause of the great increase in unemployment during that period in Alameda. In actual fact, however, most of the job losses were due to organizational changes.
Moreover, according to new figures released by the labor department, there were many more people employed in Alameda in the manufacturing industry in 1990 than in 1979.
Which of the following, if true, would most strengthen the labor leaders’ claim concerning the manufacturing industry in Alameda?


A report on acid rain concluded, “Most forests in Canada are not being damaged by acid rain.” Critics of the report insist the conclusion be changed to, “Most forests in Canada do not show visible symptoms of damage by acid rain, such as abnormal loss of leaves, slower rates of growth, or higher mortality.” Which of the following, if true, provides the best logical justification for the critics’ insistence that the report’s conclusion be changed?


Between 1975 and 1985, nursing-home occupancy rates averaged 87 percent of capacity, while admission rates remained constant, at an average of 95 admissions per 1,000 beds per year. Between 1985 and
1988, however, occupancy rates rose to an average of 92 percent of capacity, while admission rates declined to 81 per 1,000 beds per year.
If the statements above are true, which of the following conclusions can be most properly drawn?


Most consumers do not get much use out of the sports equipment they purchase. For example, seventeen percent of the adults in the United States own jogging shoes, but only forty-five percent of the owners jog more than once a year, and only seventeen percent jog more than once a week.
Which of the following, if true, casts most doubt on the claim that most consumers get little use out of the sports equipment they purchase?



In order to better control traffic at a certain busy intersection, a study was conducted to determine how many vehicles passed through the intersection during various times of day and what trajectories they took. For each possible trajectory (combination of direction from which a vehicle entered the intersection and direction to which it exited the Intersection), the graph shows the number of vehicles passing through the intersection during a certain hour.

Many people claim that advertisements of alcoholic drinks influence young people to start drinking socially.
In Iceland, however, where there has been a ban on the advertisement of alcoholic beverages since 1982, drinking is at least as prevalent among young people as it is in countries that do not have a similar ban.
Which of the following statements draws the most reliable conclusion from the information above?


Some commentators complain that a “litigation explosion” in the past decade has led to unreasonably high costs for U.S. businesses by encouraging more product liability suits against manufacturers. However, these complaints are based mainly on myth. Statistics show that the number of successful product liability suits has remained almost the same, and the average sum awarded in damages has grown no faster than the inflation rate.
Which of the following, if true, would most weaken the argument above?


Does the positive integer n have at least four positive prime factors?


Client: You’ve recommended that we use humor In our new radio advertising campaign. Why be funny on the radio when we haven’t been funny in advertising campaigns for other media?
Advertising director: Because humor on the radio is very engaging. Two other common approaches to radio advertising-using announcers and producing short catchy songs or jingles-are both so inherent In the existing radio programming that commercials using those two approaches often get tost in the programs. Humor, on the other hand, Is rare -so rare it stands out and engages completely.
The advertising director’s argument depends on an assumption of cause and effect. Indicate by an appropriate selection which of the statements In the table most accurately describes the cause of such an effect, and which most accurately describes such an effect. Make only two selection one in each column.



The GMAT exam is widely recognized by graduate management programs at universities around the world, and it is considered an important factor in the admissions process. Many graduate management programs require applicants to submit GMAT scores as part of their application, and the scores are often used to evaluate an applicant’s potential to succeed in the program. In addition, the exam is also used by businesses and other organizations to assess the skills of their employees or potential hires who are seeking management positions.


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