New 2023 Latest Questions 410-101 Dumps – Use Updated Facebook Exam [Q62-Q80]

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New 2023 Latest Questions 410-101 Dumps – Use Updated Facebook Exam

Latest 410-101 Exam Dumps Facebook Exam from Training Expert PremiumVCEDump

Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms in the world, with over 2.6 billion monthly active users. It has become a crucial tool for businesses looking to expand their reach and connect with their target audience. With this in mind, Facebook has created a certification program for media buying professionals to ensure that they have the skills and knowledge necessary to create effective advertising campaigns on the platform. The Facebook 410-101 Certification Exam is an integral part of this program.

Passing the Facebook 410-101 exam is a significant achievement for anyone who wants to establish themselves as a Facebook media buying professional. It demonstrates your expertise and knowledge of Facebook’s advertising platform and your ability to create and manage successful advertising campaigns. Moreover, the certification also provides a competitive edge in the job market, increasing your chances of landing high-paying jobs in the digital marketing industry.


Q62. A local coffee shop is running traffic to a landing page for a new promotion. People who sign up in the landing page can enter a change to win free coffee coupons.
What are recommendations you make in order to optimize the landing page?
(Select all that apply)
Choose ALL answers that apply.


Q63. You’ve realized that the pixel is not properly installed on your client’s website. Some events within the buying process are not being tracked by the pixel.
Your customer has a checkout process split into two different pages:
Customers have to first register
Then enter their payment info on a second page.
Which pixel events do you need to install on your client’s website?
Select all that apply.
Choose ALL answers that apply.


Q64. Which are the two bidding options that will allow your customer to predict results of their campaigns?
Select two that apply.
Choose ALL answers that apply.


Q65. A client would like to launch a new branding campaign with various posts for a product line that is being re-launched to a new segment.
You want to run a 7 day campaign, with 3 sequenced ads, all with a frequency cap of 2 within 7 days. You’ve set up three different post interaction campaigns through Facebook Auction.
What changes do you need to make to this campaign set up?
Choose only ONE best answer.


Q66. What are the requirements for a business to open a “Shop” on their Fan Page?
(Select 4 that apply)
Choose ALL answers that apply.


Q67. A customer has requested you to target high-end market for his new apparel store. He is opening in two months and would like to build awareness to teens.
You’ve done your research and came up with two core/saved audiences:
Audience #1
– Age below 20 years
– Interest: fashion and 3 specific high-end fashion brands
– Education: Master Degree Completion and College Completion
Audience #2
– Age below 20 years
– Interest: fashion and 2 specific high-end fashion brands
– Education: College Completion
However, when you go to the audience overlap tool, you realize that there is an overlap of 99% with both audiences.
What are some actions you can do to fix the audience overlap?
Select two options that apply.
Choose ALL answers that apply.


Q68. A client has posted a video on your Fan Page. After 2 days of boosting the post, it seems like only 8% of users have seen more than 10% of the video.
Which troubleshooting task should be used to fix the problem?
Choose only ONE best answer.


Q69. You are building your internal team for a new digital marketing department. You’ve hired 2 community managers and 1 social media manager. You would like for the social media manager to be able to do the following tasks:
* View insights
* See who published as in the Page
* Send messages as the Page
* Publish and manage jobs
* Remove and ban people from the Page
Which role should you assign your social media manager in your Fan Page?
Choose only ONE best answer.


Q70. What are three brand safety tools Facebook provides in order to block ads from your client from running alongside certain types of content?
Choose ALL answers that apply.


Q71. You own a business with multiple franchise locations. You want to open a Fan Page for all of your franchise locations, but still hold control of your branding and content.
How should you set up your Fan Page with multiple franchise locations?
Choose only ONE best answer.


Q72. You’ve spent over $13,400 the seven weeks of running campaigns. You go to your data and realize you are getting close to 6,000 Lead Events on the main landing page of the product, 450 Add To Cart Events, 192 Initiate Checkout, and 73 Purchase Events.
You want to expand the ads to new audiences.
What strategies should you follow?
Select the best 2 that apply.
Choose ALL answers that apply.


Q73. You’ve been running a reach campaign for a CPG client for the past 3 weeks; however, your campaign is underperforming. Here is some information for the performance of your campaign:
You have two images running within same ad set with high CTR
You’ve set up Facebook, Instagram, and Messenger as your placement
You have a total budget of $10,000 for a 4 week campaign
You’ve spent a total of $4,834.73 in the past 3 weeks
Instagram placement has an average CPM of $1.24 and Facebook average CPM is $1.16 What changes should you make to your campaign in order to achieve your goal?
(Select the two best options)
Choose ALL answers that apply.


Q74. What are all the options you can build a custom audience from?
Select all that apply.
Choose ALL answers that apply.


Q75. What is not an action measured through Facebook attribution system?
Choose only ONE best answer.


Q76. What does a 1-day view and 28-day click attribution window mean?
(Select all that apply)
Choose ALL answers that apply.


Q77. What are the different placements you can select in a campaign?
Select all that apply.
Choose ALL answers that apply.


Q78. Your client is interested in running a campaign with a video, but they are still not 100% sold on running Facebook ads.
Given their skepticism, they would like you to run multiple campaigns, with the same video content but the following campaign objectives:
* Optimization goal for impressions
* Optimization goal for video views
So you need to run an optimization goal for impressions and another one for video views. You will then be able to compare both campaigns through the eCPM metric.
How does the eCPM calculation differ within both campaigns?
Select all that apply.
Choose ALL answers that apply.


Q79. You receive a month-long IO from a client for a new campaign with a $10,000 budget. The IO is delivered in full by the end of the month. You receive a new IO for the next month with a budget of $20,000.
How could you execute this new requirement?
(Select two options that apply)
Choose ALL answers that apply.


Q80. What tools can you use to determine if Facebook Pixel is detecting your event conversions?
(Select all that apply)
Choose ALL answers that apply.


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