NO.96 The provided exhibit displays the representation of the “Deadline” field using the yyyy-mm-dd format.

In what order should the Queue Items be processed by a single robot executing a Performer workflow?

The Queue Items should be processed by a single robot executing a Performer workflow in the following order:
A queue is a container that holds an unlimited number of items that can be processed by a robot1. A queue item can have a deadline and a priority, which affect the order in which the robot retrieves the items from the queue2. The Performer workflow is a part of the REFramework template that processes the queue items using the Get Transaction Item activity3. The order of queue execution is determined by the following rules4:
Items that have a deadline are processed first, in order of priority and according to the set deadline for items with the same priority.
Items that have no deadline are processed next, in order of priority and according to the rule First In, First Out for items with the same priority.
Based on these rules and the exhibit, the order of queue execution is as follows:
EmployeeID1 has the earliest deadline (2050-01-01) and high priority, so it is processed first.
EmployeeID4 has the same deadline as EmployeeID1, but normal priority, so it is processed second.
EmployeeID8 has the same deadline and priority as EmployeeID4, but it was added later to the queue, so it is processed third.
EmployeeID3 has the next earliest deadline (2050-01-02) and high priority, so it is processed fourth.
EmployeeID6 has the same deadline as EmployeeID3, but normal priority, so it is processed fifth.
EmployeeID9 has the same deadline and priority as EmployeeID6, but it was added later to the queue, so it is processed sixth.
EmployeeID5 has no deadline, but high priority, so it is processed seventh.
EmployeeID2 has no deadline and normal priority, so it is processed eighth.
EmployeeID7 has no deadline and low priority, so it is processed ninth.
About Queues and Transactions documentation from UiPath
Processing Order documentation from UiPath
Performer documentation from UiPath
Order processing queue forum post from UiPath Community